The Father's Heart
Join Tyler and Anna Jo Medina as they journey into the depths of God’s heart for this generation. If you desire to be equipped and empowered to fulfill the call of God on your life, this is the podcast for you. Consuming Love Ministries is a Bible-based ministry with a heart to see a generation consumed by the love of God and set ablaze for His glory. Jesus is real, He is alive, and He burns with love and passion for you. If you have a desire to know Jesus please email us at We'd love to chat with you, and get free resources in your hand. Thank you and God Bless!
30 episodes
Ep 30 "Hidden in Christ."
In this episode Pastor Tyler Medina talks about the power of being hidden in Christ.
Ep 28 "Tabernacle of David"
In this episode Pastor Tyler Medina breaks down the tabernacle of David and the mandate of the Lord for Davidic worshipers to rise in the earth.
Ep 27 "Behold I do a new thing"
In this episode Pastor Tyler Medina ministers from Isaiah 43 "Behold I do a new thing."
Ep 26 "There is no toil in His presence."
In this episode Pastor Tyler Medina talks about how there is no toil in the presence of God. It is not about self effort, or determination. It is about becoming fascinated with the presence of God.
Ep 25 "Can a Christian have a demon?"
In this episode, Tyler Medina goes over foundational truths regarding the ministry of deliverance as observed through the life of Jesus. Addressing the controversy as to whether or not a Christian can have a demon, Tyler lays out the truth rega...
Ep 24 "Spiritual Fathering & The Five Fold"
In this episode, Michael Ashburn joins Tyler Medina to discuss the need for fathers in this hour and how fathering correlates to the five fold ministry, that in all things Christ would be revealed.
Ep 23 "Health & Wholeness. Body, Soul & Spirit." With Joe Joe Dawson
In this episode Joe Joe Dawson joins Tyler Medina to discuss how to live a healthy life Body, Soul, & Spirit.
Ep 22 "Oil isn't cheap"
In this episode, Tyler Medina talks about what it means to walk in the anointing of God and the cost associated with walking in degrees of power, anointing, and glory.
Ep 21 "Can you lose your salvation?"
In this episode Tyler Medina responds to viewers question "Can you lose your salvation?" or otherwise known as the doctrine of "once saved always saved." Is this biblical? What does the bible say in regards to "losing" our salvation? Listen now...
Ep 20 "This is eternal life"
In this episode Tyler Medina talks about what it means to have eternal life by knowing the father. (John 17:3)
Ep 19 "The spirit of compromise."
In this episode Tyler Medina addresses the spirit of compromise within the church and how the enemy seeks to establish an open door of compromise in the lives of believers, one sheep at a time.
Ep 18 "The Anointing"
In this episode Tyler Medina talks about what it means to walk in the anointing of God, true anointing that destroys the yoke and is cultivated in the place of His presence. A life laid down at the feet of Jesus.
Ep 17 "The Ministry of Deliverance"
In this episode Tyler Medina talks about the ministry of deliverance in accordance to the great commission and our authority as believers in Jesus Christ. Jesus said "In My name, you will cast out demons..." It is part of the believers authorit...
Ep 16 "Jesus, fully God."
In this episode, Tyler Medina talks about knowing Jesus, the Lamb slain before the foundation of the world. Who He is, What He came to accomplish in our lives, His role now in the church, and what it means to walk in divine communion with His p...
Ep 15 "Dying to self"
In episode 15 Tyler Medina discusses what it means to die to self so that Christ may be glorified in our lives.
Ep 14 "The Power of the Resurrection"
In this episode, Tyler Medina teaches on the power of the resurrection, what Christ came to redeem and establish in our lives, living on the other side of the cross free from the bondage of sin, and abiding in the place of communion with Christ...
Ep 13 "Daniel 3"
In this episode, Tyler Medina teaches out of Daniel 3, and what it means to live a life totally surrendered to almighty God.
Ep 12 "The Spirit of Travail"
In this episode, Tyler Medina talks about the privilege of hosting the presence of God and getting to partner with His Spirit through intercession and travail to see the heart and plans of the Lord made manifest in the earth.
Ep 11 "The Bride of Christ."
In this episode, Tyler Medina talks about what it means to be the "Bride of Christ," not simply just in name but also in role, function, and what is ours by way of divine inheritance as believers in Jesus.
Ep 10 "Knowledge of God"
In this episode, Tyler Medina discusses what it means to know God based on John 17:3 and the invitation that is going out to all believers to step past the veil and into the inner courts of His presence.
Ep 9 "Roles of the Holy Spirit."
In this episode, Tyler Medina unpacks the roles and function of the Holy Spirit in our lives and explains how to partner with the Spirit of God to see the manifestation of God's heart and purpose fulfilled in the earth.
Ep 8 "Do You Have Oil?" Anna Jo Medina 10/16/2022
In this episode, Anna Jo Medina emphasizes our need to be filled and re-filled in the secret place of His Presence as she unpacks the parable of the ten virgins found in Matthew 25. This episode challenges you to examine your walk with God and ...
Ep 7 "The Power of The Tongue" Tyler Medina 09/11/2022
In this episode, Tyler Medina talks about our authority as believers and "The Power of The Tongue," letting no idle word come forth from our mouths, but rather aligning our hearts with the will and purpose of the Lord. "...for out of the abunda...